Monday, September 25, 2017

The world of Oralis

The world of Oralis is a place, which is considered to be a myth but little does everyone know, that is world had existed only in the shadows. In the history of human raise  many known astrologers had discovered this mysterious planet but were ordered to keep it a secret and to be kept of the official books. As per the legends, Oralis is the home Planet where humans originally traveled from. In a book  owned by the last traveler of spacedescribe what oralis may have looked like.

Oralis was once a beautiful booming planet. It had 2 moons and a sun which were at a good distance from the planet to sustain life and amazing temperature. It was beautiful to see the two moons of different colors to rise and set at night. The grass was green during the summers and during the winters the snow would cover the land as a white blanket and would melt by mid morning. the rural areas had more advanced technology that would  help the farmers to grow any kind of produce they  required throught an year. As per the written down scripture he suggested that the days would typically lasted 22 hours and the nights 7 hours thus making 29 hours a day. he suggested that Oralis was so well advanced and the species of the plant were so intelligent that they seemed to had figured pout how to keep making amazing new technologies while they lived harmonious;y with the environment. He suggested that when it rained, the water would initially be crystallized until it reached the surface of the planet and was often considered dangerous to go out during the rain storm. The flowers in Olaris would bloom in different color and every color of hue and shade. Due to excess of oxygen most animals were huge and were often captured to be used for farming purposes. He would go on to write that most of the animals they had on the planet were more like giant insects, that you could take control of. every child was ushered to know anatomy  and how to take on these 4-6 feet tall insect animals. Adults and children would use the lessons learned from school and  apply them in practical terms. In the rural farm land areas, riding one of these insects was a lot more efficient that taking a bus or a train. Of course understandably, insects animals were prohibited in the cities as they could cause mass destruction. That too was common when a hive of insect animals would  attack unsuspected farms or towns, however, to deal with these situations, we had high powered  heat beams that would hurt them and get them to run away.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Theme park based On Photo set 1

This set of pictures was one of the most fascinating set of pictures that I had seen. The pictures in this set had a reoccurring theme. And once I browsed through the set,of pictures I  soon realized that the theme was "horror". In the current idea of the theme for the theme park would be the haunted hotel Patricia Wallton

From the very first picture  till the last, this set had its narration and the description of archetype of many interesting characters

As we go past the first few pictures, we can see that the theme of this park would be about a haunted hotel in the 1800s.  As we can see  from the second picture, the hotel was built magitically and was sarround by a huge property. The main aspect of the theme park would be the mansion which had a large lake beside it. The interior of the enterence looked  like an entrance to a five star hotel.

In this hotel, there was a guest call Wellis Hanson. She is a world class archer who had arrived at the hotel to spend some time  practicing her archery. She used to be married to her husband major Rogers of the Royal British Army. due to a freak accident as they were traveling their train crashed and major Rogers was pronounced dead due to quite a bit of blood loss and trauma to the head. To keep her self busy and away from mourning the loss of her beloved husband, Wellis had started taking up hobbies, but none satisfied her until she picked up archery. She was a natural. Archery being an unusua sport at the time for a woman, she was initially reluctant to share her new hobby with other, However,  she remembered a quote that  her husband use to tell others when they were afraid, "if you dont do anything daring, then why should the world remember your name". Thinking of this she had set new societal norms for women  and was one of the very few first feminist  to join the movement.

The room  208, is always locked in Patricia Wallton hotel. This room is the haunted room. It is a non existent room in the hotel.  No one is allowed to reserve it nor enter it. As per the hotel staff this room has a lot of paranormal activity that takes place and one can loose their mind.  different people experience the paranormal activity differently.  But there seems to be a pattern,  It would seem that this room is not just haunted but also may posses some sort of time shift activity that would take the person into a different place in space in time. People who have found and entered to room have described seeing a pair of sibling  dressed up for photoshoot. the girl is wearing a  black victorian era style  dress, where as the brother is wearing a sailor suit.  It is said that the siblings used to stay in that room with their parents and were murdered there. Some say that instead of the little children, they have aseen a woman dressed up as a whitch, with her broom flying around. It is also documented that there are few who reprorted hearing some sort of chanting. and when knocked on the door opening the door, one would see 3 women  with long hair that reached to the floor and in white gowrns chanting as if they were persuing some sort of ritual. Ofcourse  some eyewitnesses are convinced that the witch is realated to the ghosts of 3 women.