Tuesday, November 28, 2017

answer to the questions of Down and out in the magic kingdom

what is your reaction to the text  you just read?

when i first started reading the down and out in the magic kingdom, i was a little confused as to what the location was until the narrator mentioned the job  his girlfriends parents were employed for. At a first glance, i felt that we were in a a theme park and the protagonist gave us a little back story about his love life and some of the insecurities he felt regarding dating a younger woman.  He makes it a clear point that hes dating someone 15 % of his age and  sometimes he doesn't understand her. But regardless of the age difference they have a clear understanding of each other.

what connection did you make with this story? discuss the elemets  of teh story you were able to connect?

reading this story,  I felt that this story connected to me in a personal level, because, i fell that i am one of the older generations, who feels that its important that a fried should be there for his other close friend in their time of need and assist in what ever sense possible.  the part where  lil  looks at Dan and has a small glance of disapproving look when she first sees him,  reminded me of my own personal relation ship i had with my ex, where she looked out for me but the difference in our thinking had a  big gap.  Its funny , to read a story like this, because its something is still face with my roommate, where he calls me an old man jokingly, and I call him a kid all in jest. 

What changes would you make to adapt this story inti another medium? what midum would you use? what changes would you make?

I feel that this story has  good plot points and could be turned into a dramatic podcast, where people can listen to it on the go. I feel that the story is too short, and probably would expand a bit on some plot points. I would add more back story as to how the narrator and lil started dating and the challenges they faced. I would hire people to play parts of the actors as it would  add more to the drama.

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